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in Concert ReviewAtmosphere Infest Palace in St. Paul
I’m listening to Atmosphere! This used to sound crazy. It gave the impression you were listening to meteors or screams from the universe. That is, of course, until the term was co-opted by a Minnesota based hip-hop crew with members named after a strong-skinned terrestrial mollusk (Slug, a.k.a. Sean Daley) and a beefy workaholic eusocial insect […] More
in Concert ReviewBrother Ali Casts Shadow on First Ave
Forgetfulness! It’s a part of the daily struggle which we call life. The deed can be treated from a minor shoulder shrug example, “I forgot your personal belonging” to an I-wanna-poison-your-oatmeal example, “I have been on two dates with a girl, kissed her, and don’t remember her name.” Brother Ali’s Shadows of the Sun show was […] More
in Concert ReviewPROF Outdoors 5 Review – A Farewell Show?
With rumblings of PROF Outdoors coming to an end after this year’s show, could we really expect anything else than this being the most impressive one yet? The annual party, which has come to be known as “The Biggest Show In The History of PROF” has always lived up to its name, but this year’s […] More
in Album Review, InterviewsMinneapolis Rapper Prof Transforms Into Pookie Baby [INTERVIEW]
No artist has emerged from Minnesota and walked their own private catwalk quite like Prof. After spending the early part of the 2010’s cultivating a strong, loyal following, and distributing nearly 200,000 records through his own imprint, Stophouse, his 2013 signing to Rhymesayers Entertainment helped propel him to the next stage of his career when […] More
in NewsProf Announces New Album; Releases Video for “Andre The Giant”
Minneapolis-based rapper Prof announced this morning that he will release his latest full-length album, titled Pookie Baby, on April 13th. Being released via Rhymesayers Entertainment, the album will be the much-anticipated follow-up to his Billboard charting 2015 album Liability. Pookie Baby ups the quotient of raps and raucousness over the course of its 15 new tracks (check out […] More
in Concert ReviewGrieves Captivates First Avenue
Notable Rhymesayers signee, Grieves, headlined First Avenue for the fourth time last night. The Seattle-based rapper and producer is wrapping up his tour in promotion of his latest album, Running Wild, released on August 25th. Sean Anonymous opened the night with guest appearances from Finding Novyon, Sophia Eris, Dwynell Roland, and Chance York. His high […] More
in News, On The RadarPROF Outdoors 4 Lineup Announced
The lineup for PROF Outdoors 4, otherwise known as the “Biggest Show in the History of PROF” was announced last week, and an early prediction is that the show will certainly live up to that title. Headlined of course by Minnesota-based rapper PROF, we will also see a performance from hip-hop super-group Shredders, which features […] More