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Dave Simonett releases Red Tail, his first solo album under his own name

Dave Simonett Trampled by Turltes
Photo Credit: Zoe Prinds

Last updated on December 6th, 2021 at 08:20 am

Dave Simonett is a busy man. As if leading Trampled by Turtles and Dead Man Winter wasn’t enough, he’s readying his first solo album under his own name.

Unlike Trampled or Dead Man Winter, the recordings on Red Tail focus more on straight acoustic music rather than on bluegrass or Americana. It’s an experiment worth taking for Simonett. The recording style makes you feel like you were there as he performed it.

His artistry and way with words are equally impressive. The beautifully captured acoustic chords suit his voice well. The albums stories of love both lost and gained are played out in the wilderness of consciousness.

Bruised by love in the winter moon, I’m feeling fine now

from “Revoked”

The albums first track, “Revoked,” sets the mood with its stripped down singer-with-just-a-microphone feel. You can’t help but wonder what induced such painful, heartfelt lyrics, as he poetically paints a picture of a life of someone that seems to struggle with love.

Dave Simonett Trampled by Turltes
Photo Credit: Zoe Prinds

Red Tail is an album made for vinyl and headphones, as it brings the listener back to places we have all been. Recordings that brings you back to a time when words mattered, music moved you, and songwriters where storytellers. It is an album that deserves the respect of listening in its entirety every time you listen to it.

Red Tail Relase Date: March 13th 

Track List
Pisces, Queen of Hearts
By the Light of the Moon
In the Wester Wind and the Sunrise
It Comes and Goes
You Belong Right Here
There's a Lifeline Deep in the Night Sky

Be sure to catch Simonett on May 9 at the Fitzgerald Theater. 

Written by Richard Dollarhide

Photographer, Photojournalist, Executive Chef and Full Time Artist


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