I had the opportunity to shoot portraits with Mayda before I was familiar with her music. She originally piqued my interest being a fellow Korean adoptee and I constantly put effort into representing people with whom I identify and she was a dream to photograph. Soon after I was able to catch a brief performance- she and her bassist, Miho, provided a refreshing take on the classic Minneapolis Funk sound.

I find Mayda‘s music to be perfectly imperfect. She’s quite a bit shorter than I, at 5’1″, and still supplies ample grit and power behind her vocals. That grunginess paired with technical and intricate musical skill creates a captivating, unique live show, and that’s what they brought to Icehouse last night.

Kiss the Tiger has quickly become one of my favorite local acts. I was shocked to discover they popped up on the scene in late 2016- their cohesiveness as a band is rock solid and frontwoman, Meghan Kreidler, has an exuberant, enthralling presence akin to a 1970’s glam rocker. While Kreidler is relatively new to the rock ‘n roll side of performing, she’s well versed in the world of theatre which gives her a natural (or naturally presenting) confidence when placed in front of an audience.

This show celebrated the release of their latest record, Vicious Kid, and kicked off their month-long residency at Icehouse. There were plenty of fully vaccinated hugs, drinks, and maskless merriment that bestowed the long-sought-after sense of normalcy we have been yearning for over the past year.
Photo by Sara Fish
Vicious Kid is a kick-ass album front-to-back, but experiencing it live was an absolute delight. The opening track, “Motel Room,” has carefree, Rolling Stones energy that translates beautifully in a live atmosphere- I see this song being performed in front of an arena full of people chiming in with the repeated “Hey!” throughout. “Who Does Her Hair?” features an earworm of a guitar riff, boisterous percussion, and feels like an instant classic. “Grown Ass Woman” falls heavily on the twangier side of their music and showcases the impressive extent of Kreidler’s powerhouse vocals and falsetto. “Talk To Me” juxtaposes delicate vocal verses succeeded by emotional choruses, repeatedly crying out “oh, oh talk to me.” This dynamic ebb and flow reflects the nature of the song itself and it’s enough to break your heart.

While I thoroughly enjoy the recorded album, Kiss the Tiger brings new life to their music on stage and this residency is an excellent time to introduce yourself if you’re not familiar.
Find Vicious Kid here and tickets for the duration of their Icehouse residency here.