Dinosaurs, sex, and Finn Wolfhard! These are just some of what you get when you listen to comedy duo Ninja Sex Party. Inspired by musical comedy acts such as Tenacious D, The Lonely Island, and Weird Al, this duo has been taking over the comedy charts. Check out our interview now:
View The NSP Interview Transcript Here
Made up of Game Grumps co-host Dan Avidan and theoretical physicist Brian Wecht, the group has been together since 2009. Recently crossing over to mainstream airwaves with their Conan O’Brian appearance and number one spot on the comedy charts, the band has earned millions of views on YouTube.

Welcome to The Sexy World of Ninja Sex Party
Created by Avidan after various attempts at forming bands, he turned to Wecht to create something truly unique and special. With 80s style synths and the creation of their respective characters Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian, the band built a world around the name NSP.
“I figured no one else is going to have this combo of words,” said Avidan when explaining the creation of the name. “When I talked to people about it their eyes lit up. Then came the idea of what it would be. So we needed a ninja and I wanted to be a stupid spandex 80s guy.”

The group truly has a clear-cut creative vision. Their music videos have ranged from wars on the planet 6969 to emotional ballads featuring Finn Wolfhard. They’re different and they take risks. The group has even taken a few brilliant stabs at cover albums. Their cover of “Africa” puts Weezer’s to shame.
Topping the charts and touring the country, the duo hasn’t looked back. “I’m so into NSP and Starbomb and this world that we made… The desire to look back is receding every day cause the present and the future is so interesting,” said Avidan.
What makes NSP so special is the fact that there is nothing like them. Fans have taken to their personalities and lore. It could be argued that they have the most dedicated fan base in the industry today- the fans brought this comedy group to the forefront of the music world.
When asked about their fan base and success, Wecht said, “It doesn’t feel like we deserve it. We just lucked out and got all these amazing fans who keep showing up for the stuff we do. Videos, albums, live shows. They are always there. It’s incredible.”
The Anthem for The Underdogs

Cool Patrol is out now and is quite honestly the most well-produced album I’ve heard this year. When you think comedy albums you wouldn’t expect epic guitar solos, crisp synths, and catchy vocal hooks. This is more than a comedy album, it’s an anthem for the nerds.
Opening with title track Cool Patrol, Dan teaches a loser kid, portrayed by YouTuber jacksepticeye, how to be cool and stand up to bullies via interpretive dance. Though ending ultimately in death, this track uses humor and confidence to empower those picked on at school.
The most glorious moment on this album is Danny Don’t You Know, a letter to Dan’s younger self. Accompanied by a music video starring Stranger Things star Finn Wolfhard as a young Danny, this song proves that we really all do feel weird on the inside.
“Danny, don’t you know you’re cool as fuck on the inside.” That line alone gets me so emotional. It makes me want to go back to my younger self to say those words. With humor, confidence, and powerful vocals this song works perfectly as a comedy track and power ballad.
Along for the ride on this album is the band TWRP, producer Jim Roach, and appearances from Kenny Harris of Panic! At The Disco, Rashawn Ross of Dave Matthews Band, and more!
The band cites the success of this album to all these great collaborators, especially Roach and TWRP. “Having real amazing musicians like TWRP made a huge difference. Them plus Roach was a perfect dream team of collaborators,” Wecht said when asked about the production.
Thanks to connections from Roach they got Bob Reynolds of Snarky Puppy. Wecht noted that, “[We met him through] our producer Jim-he is the sickest horn player ever. He does a lot of stuff on Starbomb and will do stuff on future NSP- so he’s awesome to work with.”
Through collaboration and a shared vision, NSP created one of my favorite things so far this year. I give it my highest recommendation. If you’re in need of a quick laugh, 80s synths, and an overall amazing album please check out Cool Patrol.
To read more about the production of this album, check out our full interview now!
An Interview with NSP:
I had the chance to give Dan and Brian a call earlier this week. We talked first dates, the new album, and their upcoming shows! Please give it a listen or read the transcript below!
The Party Comes To The Twin Cities:

Experience the musical-comedy madness Friday October 19th at Myth Live! The show will feature acts Planet Booty, TWRP, unicorns, dinosaurs, and dick jokes!
Also, be sure to check out Ninja Brian and company at the All Star Variety Luau Spectacular Thursday October 18th at Amsterdam Bar and Hall!
NSP Interview Transcript | Click Here For Interview Audio