Last updated on October 29th, 2019 at 02:20 pm
Our midwest friends Kayak Jones came to Minneapolis on October 25th with Homesafe, Young Culture, Taco House and Keep Flying. Originally from Iowa, Kayak Jones hit Minnesota on their third stop on a 97-day tour. Kayak Jones was accompanied by a powerhouse of a lineup and this intimate space was small but energetic.

I was extremely impressed with Kayak Jones’ performance. Though they stopped in Minnesota not that long ago, the last time I saw them was a few years back at The Garage in Burnsville, Minnesota when I went to see some friends in the band, Rally Cap perform. My first impression of Kayak Jones was that their vocalist, Tyler Wayne Zumhof had an incredibly unique and powerful voice.
I can’t really think of a band in this genre who has a vocalist with as distinctive of a sound as Kayak Jones. Musically, their rhythms and style are one of a kind and catchy. I was happily impressed with how kind and down to earth they all were when I went to buy some merch. I instantly wanted to be friends with them. They have a similar sound to bands like such as Hot Mulligan, Mom Jeans., Microwave and Safe Bet.

Kayak Jones just released a new album in April titled You Swear It’s Getting Better Every Day and performed songs from their older albums as well. This release marks the longest album in Kayak Jones’ career. They’ve put out multiple releases since 2015. As with their previous albums and EPs, their musicality and lyrical maturity are stark and their stage presence showcases their talents.
The opening performances of the night were really fun and energetic. Family and friends came to show their love and support. Hearing the crowds’ enthusiasm when each band came to the stage was heartwarming.

Keep Flying’s performance was really exciting and notable, as I’d never seen them before. They included saxophones, trumpets, and trombones into their set which was exciting to watch. As a band kid at heart, I always love seeing orchestral instruments mixed in with the more ‘traditional’ instrument lineup in alternative music.
By the time Kayak Jones came to the stage, the crowd had really opened up and gotten more comfortable with the space. People were moving around and singing along with the band. I wish the stage had been bigger so that the bands could have moved around more during the night, but even with limited space Kayak Jones was still able to keep up the energy for the evening.

It’s always a pleasure being able to watch artists perform music when it hits home lyrically. Kayak Jones’ lyrics are always heartfelt and, though they can be heartbreaking, their words help remind us that we aren’t alone in our feelings of self-doubt.
Seeing Kayak Jones perform “Matter” off of Sort Out Your Head left me feeling emotionally moved and warm. Being able to see someone perform music that helped get you through hard times is unforgettable. I always love being in smaller, intimate venues where I can really get up close to the artists and feel the floor vibrate from the sound.

Last night was truly a special experience. Being around the talented artists and genuinely kind human beings that make up Kayak Jones left me with more appreciation for their newest album and a feeling of connection from being around all of the bands’ excited fans, friends and family.