It could easily take a ten-person crew to accomplish what FKJ does in a single show, and it would provide enough work to keep everyone busy. But he took care of all of it himself and he did it incredibly well.
Man, what a pretty show. As a musician, Vince Fenton, aka FKJ, demonstrated more than proficiency with each of the instruments he played. Along with equally impressive technical abilities, he built songs layer by layer, creating a series of loops to lay across each other.
Rather than limit the visual aspect of his show to the standard LED wall across the back of the stage, Fenton opted to use a trio of large screens at the front of the stage to project visuals of flying birds or rain-streaking down windows, or to diffuse a strong spotlight on the stage into a warm glow over the audience.
His upright piano served a dual purpose as an instrument and, with several LED panels inside its clear acrylic body, it doubled as one of the lighting accouterments.
Listening to him play, it’s clear he has a strong love for R&B, blues, and jazz, sometimes hitting on or mashing together several genres within the same song. At times it almost sounded like a subdued Pretty Lights.
I moved around the theater to witness the visuals from different vantage points, and I can confirm that it was a beautiful spectacle from every angle. If you get the chance next time FKJ comes to town, make a point to see him play.