Last updated on May 9th, 2018 at 06:00 am
In support of their latest release, Sex & Food, Unknown Metal Orchestra (UMO) packed the main room at First Avenue on Friday night. (Insert awful Quarto de Mayo joke here). They started their set with the unmistakable drum beat that kicks off the opening track, “Ffunny Ffriends,” of their self-titled album. I was ready to see a band I have been following and wanting to see live for years.
You know you’re in for a unique experience when the lights come up and you see a stage dressed with white shag rugs, fake succulents, and interesting furniture complete with a turntable and a hard copy of You’re Under Arrest by Miles Davis.
The set wasn’t the only thing that was dressed to impress. Lead singer, guitarist and songwriter Ruban Nielson brought his best boxing shorts with a tiger on them. Yeah, it was that kind of a show. Because they are that kind of band.
Looks aside, this was one of the most engaging shows I’ve seen in quite a long time. UMO kept my interest throughout the entire night and played everything I wanted to hear from across all four of their albums, including “Nerve Damage,” “Multi-Love,” “Swim and Sleep (Like a Shark),” “So Good At Being in Trouble,” to name only a few.
Although I assume no one celebrates Cinco De Mayo down under, that didn’t stop the band from indulging in a tray of mid-set shots. Although I noticed a significant amount of black X’s on hands in the crowd around me, I felt encouraged to join in with the fun. So I did just that.
The amount of liquor that may or may not have been consumed by the band (and the crowd) certainly didn’t affect the performance. At one point, after introducing their drummer and his brother for the 3rd or 4th time, Nielson did mention he was feeling a bit drunk before playing what he called a ‘Hawaiian’ sounding tune. What great siblings you are! Your parents should be proud.
Early May is certainly a great time to be in the Twin Cities, and I’m happy I got to spend a night with a band as great as Unknown Mortal Orchestra and that they could be in our lovely city during such a beautiful weekend. Until next time guys!