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    One-On-One: Sarah Morris and Kimberly Brady

    Kimberly Brady understands the science behind the importance of music. As a psychologist she encourages people to use music in their healing. She teaches that just therapy and executive functioning only fosters the left side of your brain. Music and the arts engage the right side and incorporate interactive functions. When you have two sides […] More

  • timisarocker at Parkway Theater
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    One-On-One: Timisarocker and Jason Lardy

    From a day-to-day work experience, not much has changed for Jason Lardy. He runs a marketing company and although his clients have had concerns and questions, everybody has really stayed the course. The larger change has come from his side gig. Jason also runs a radio show at Macalester College, which due to covid, has […] More

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    One-On-One: Humbird and Jesse Peterson-Brandt

    Like many of us, Jesse Peterson-Brandt didn’t realize what he had until it was gone. He went to Grinnell College in Iowa, and looking back, saw they did a really good job bringing in unknown artists that have gone on to become established and popular. Unfortunately, he didn’t take advantage of live music then. Now […] More

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    Win a 1-on-1 Concert Experience

    This winter, Music in Minnesota wants to rekindle some of that live music warmth by giving away special tickets to see local artists in an exclusive One-on-One experience. These socially distanced concerts will take place at Twin Cities music venues throughout the winter. ENTRY CLOSED You may enter more than once to increase your chances. […] More