Last updated on July 12th, 2019 at 12:32 am
Over the fourth of July weekend, roughly 6,000 members attended the annual convention known as CONvergence. This annual event that celebrates Science Fiction and Fantasy in the media took place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Minneapolis.

A sea of cosplayers took over six levels of the Hyatt in outfits paying homage to popular “geeky” culture such as Doctor Who, Pokémon, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Star Wars, and so much more.
At CONvergence, there is something for everyone. One of the most popular things to do at the CON is the panels. The panels allow the attendees to discuss topics with other fans and moderators. The CON offers discussions for creatives to help grow their brand and their creative business. This is a great way for individuals to network and gain important knowledge and skills to enhance their business.

Along with the panels, CONvergence had one level solely focusing on games. Now, we aren’t just talking about video games, we are talking about Magic the Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons, and so much more. Of course, there were your typical video game rooms, but the biggest part was the board game room. This level was probably one of the most crowded, and a definite must-see. They even had changing rooms so everyone could get into character if they wanted to.
One of the major aspects of the CON was live music. The Doubleclicks graced the main stage. The Doubleclicks are a sibling duo known as Laser Malena-Webber and Aubrey Turner. Their folk-pop music has been labeled “snarky, geeky and sweet.”
Another musical act that performed in the HarmonicCON room was a group called Slytherpuff. Slytherpuff is a duo from the Twin Cities who write and perform “nerd” pop songs. Most of their songs revolve around Harry Potter, which makes them an excellent band for all of the fans of Harry Potter.

CONvergence was and will always be a must go to if you love anything “nerdy.” It was a fun, creative and safe environment for all ages to express themselves. Anyone and everyone should attend at least once in their life.