Last updated on April 7th, 2018 at 10:26 am
I lucked into this one folks. If you’re into Blues, Rockin’ Blues, Bluesy Style Music, whatever you want to call it, do yourself a favor and pick-up Annie Mack‘s EP Release: Tell It Like It Is.
The 4 song EP is absolutely wonderful. This isn’t like today’s bubblegum flavored music. No, this is more like a vintage run into yester-year’s Blues. This is storytelling that is not generic, these songs have depth and actually means something. Starting out with the first song, “Love,” a story about the hard and painful times of addiction.

I had a hard time qualifying the 4 songs, every time I played the next song I had a new favorite. Finally, I decided on “Closer,” the 2nd song off the EP, as the high point. “I’m a little bit older, A little bit wiser, a little bit closer to the grave.” Isn’t that the truth! Tell It Like It Is.
With 2 more tracks, including the title track “Tell It Like It Is” and “Just Do Right” to finish it off, all the songs are great, beautifully showing off crafted songwriting that goes along with Annie’s strong and sultry voice.
While Annie Mack may be from North Minneapolis, everything else screams that she belongs on a bigger stage somewhere else (hey Annie, how about Memphis?).
Once you’ve delved into this EP, don’t forget to check out her full album release Baptized In The Blues. Also, don’t be shy, come see her perform on the current Operation Minnesota Love Tour. Whether she’s performing with a full band or acoustically… the voice will have you have you hooked. It did me.